Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day in the Life of Elliette

I'm lucky enough to have many close friends and family who have small babies right around the same age as my youngest child, Elliette.   We all have challenges to face with having a new baby and figuring out what works for our child, how to get into a routine and just how to make things work for our family.   I know and realize that everyone is different, believes different things and has their own challenges to face.  I also know that each baby is different.  Heck, this is my third kid and I still have a hard time figuring out what worked/will work for her!  It's often a lot of trial and error.  She has been much fussier than both Lilly and Harper were during the day as infants.  She loves being swaddled and I never even tried that with my other girls.  And then there's that whole growing thing.  Growth spurts, teething, illness, season change, yada, yada, yada.  It always seems that when you get into a good routine, something else happens and everything gets thrown out of whack.

I'll get to the point. Since I'm home on winter break, I've tried to figure out what her "normal" daily schedule looks like.  I thought that if I wrote it down, it might be easier for me to see how often she eats, how much she sleeps and, of course, how many poopy diapers she has.  (This mom thing is so glamorous.  I just rocked out to Fergie as I spelled out "glamorous." Go ahead, sing it in your head.  Or out loud, whatever.)  I should add that, being as how today is New Year's Day, we stayed home all day.  On a "normal" day I would be working and pumping at school, picking the littles up from the babysitter, stopping at the grocery store, taxi-ing the girls to dance class, etc. etc. So, here it goes:  

4:00 Elliette (almost 3 months old) wakes up to nurse and goes right back to sleep, swaddled in her Rock N Play, in her own room. 
8:00 Wake and nurse, play time in her Bumbo, and on my lap. Tummy time seems like too much of a risk for whining so I skip it. I also attempt a nail trim and nip the end if her thumb. Nine hours into the new year and I've already lost MOTY (Mom of the Year) award. 
9:45 Diaper change, swaddle and nap. I put her down while she's still awake, in her Sleep N Play, in her room. 
(Meanwhile I contemplate a shower but settle on brushing my teeth and staying in my pajamas. I briefly tidy the floors and settle into my chair with a second cup of coffee and a soft blanket. Sigh) 
10:47 Harper pretty much wakes her up. I have to poop so I do that first. Priorities. (Pooping interrupted by Harper because she has to tell me she loves me. I love you too, Harper. I also love pooping by myself.) 
11:00 Boob time. Elliette burps while attached to my right breast. Every. Single. Time. 
And then, She gazes those big blue-gray eyes right into mine and places her little dimply hand on my chest and I melt. Love her. 
11:27 finished eating
11:35 poop face. Lucky for her, no one interrupts her to tell her they love her. 
Imminent diaper change. I lotion her up, choose a brand new outfit from the closet. We chat. I pick her up to go downstairs. 
11:50 I make it to her doorway. She poops again. Repeat Diaper change. 
11:55 Tummy Time. 
11:56 Tummy Time over
11:56-12:04 swaddle, cry, bounce, cry, walk, cry, sway, cry. Tummy time, I f*cking hate you. 
12:40ish dozes off in the swing. Awake on and off-not sure I'd even consider this a nap! 
1:25 Boob time again. I discover some dried spit up behind her ear. Lovely. 
        Oh, A double right boob burp! 
2:03 Finished eating 
2:04 Just kidding. Keep eating. 
2:10 Snoozing as I pull her off. 
2:14 Nope, wide awake.
2:25 Poops again. Diaper change.
2:30 Swaddle, rock n play, shower for me (score!). 
2:48 Check in to see if she fell asleep. She's not crying but she's not zonked yet. All is quiet so I just assume she is sleeping.  I must've gotten past that neurotic "She might've died of SIDS" worrying that I did so much with the first two.  
**On a "normal" day we'd be heading home from the babysitters or stopping for groceries or something so I almost feel like there would be another feeding in here.**
5:20 Wake that girl up!
5:25 Dinner time! 
6:00 I think she's done. She disagrees. 
6:05 aaaaand done. 
6:06 Daddy playtime.  I make dinner.  

6:55 She starts fussing with her daddy so I immediately tell hubby to head upstairs to change her diaper, jammie's, swaddle, bedtime. (She's crying when he comes downstairs. I'll check in 5 minutes but I can tell it's not uncontrollable, pissed off crying.....yet). 
7:00 I don't hear crying so I assume she's still alive, but sleeping.

She should sleep until roughly 4am again.  And then we'll do this all over again.  Except we'll probably leave the house tomorrow.  Because, hello.  CABIN FEVER. That combined with the fact that I've got $20 in Kohl's cash burning a hole in my pocket. 

Peace out, homies. 

*Elliette ended up waking up about 2am to eat again this morning and then went right back to sleep. She does this occasionally. Then she was up again at 7am this morning.*

1 comment:

  1. crack me up! But this just about sums up every mothers schedule. And you wonder how you ever filled your day before you had kids!
