Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dance Recital

This was Harper's first year of dance.  She took Creative Movement which was a 1/2 hour class.  Lilly took Tap 1 as this was her 4th year of dance.  I was really impressed with how much she learned this year.  It was quite a change for her going from "fun" classes to a class that was more disciplined, difficult and challenging.  I think it was good for her to feel that frustration, practice and accomplish those steps.  Both Lilly and Harper are thinking they want to try gymnastics at CMU next year.  I think we'll give that a try and take a break from dance for awhile.  Maybe they will want to come back to it (or decide they want to do dance again over the summer??).   

Lilly "asks" for flowers every year after her recital.  So of course, they each got their own bouquet! 

Can you give me a fake smile please?

Giggling girls.  
This pose was all Harper!
They both did their best job dancing and we are SO proud of them!  I just love seeing them up there on that big stage!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Elliette 7 Months

Elliette at 7 months. 
*Eating table food-bananas are her favorite. Sweet potatoes, zucchini, apricots, watermelon, peas, avocado, peas, carrots, whole wheat noodles, toast sticks, asparagus, pretty much anything we eat, she does too! 
*sitting up by herself. She can sit up for several minutes and play on the floor. 
*laying on her back.  She can roll both ways (she finally rolls to her belly) but she really prefers to be on her back! 
*saying "dadada" and "babababa" Squeeling and gasping!
*watching her sisters.  She sure lights up when Lilly comes in the room! 
*playing with daddy.  Seriously, kid loves her dad.  Again, she lights up when he come in the room too! 
*the exersaucer
*pounding and shaking toys
*waking up once in the night for a dream feed

And then life happened....

All hope of winning MOTY went down the drain when I neglected the blog for 2+ months.  *Note to self, check instagram under #ellietteeveryday #harperhenning #lillianpaige 

Easter 2014

Cousins on an egg hunt.  Hard work-gotta take a break! 

Sweet sisters. Love these little ladies.