Sunday, January 19, 2014

Snow Much Fun!

I try to make it a point to send the big girls out to play if it's not too cold and we are just staying home.  Yesterday was one of those days.  (Not to mention that they start to drive me crazy after awhile so it does us all good if I lock them outside  they get outside for some fresh air.) So I sent them out and then decided that I would bundle Ellie up and head out with her too.  This adorable snowsuit barely gets used and I figured if she hated it or got cold, the worst that could happen was that I'd bring her inside.  Turns out, sweet baby girl loved it out there!   

I mean, look at that cheesy grin! 

Oh, don't mind me.  I'm not wearing any makeup and that's Lilly's hat I'm wearing. 

This was one of the only pictures that our enormous dog, Sully, didn't photobomb.  I also consider this one of those "miracle photos."  You know, its a miracle everyone is looking at the camera! 

And then there's this:
That's Lilly on the left, probably about the exact same age as Elliette.  I took the picture of Lilly on her first Thanksgiving, which was the first time it snowed when she was a baby.  I just had to recreate it with Ellie! *You can see the original blog post here. This is my original blog that I started when Lilly was a babe!*
I'm going to make it a point to take Elliette outside more this winter (assuming we're not in the middle of another Polar Vortex, which I hear is making a comeback later this week.  Ugh.). Have a fabulous week everyone!  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Before Kids

There's no doubt that having children is a life-changing experience.  The moment they lay that little babe on your chest, your world changes.  Heck, the moment that little being is conceived, your lifestyle probably changes, along with your thoughts and feelings about what the future will hold.  Most changes really are for the better.  There's definitely times that I look at my childless friends and yearn to have the freedom that they do.  However,  I can't imagine life without my little ones.  They turn every day into joy and their giggles melt away all my worries.  But let's be honest.  Some things are just different when you have kids.   Here are some things I did or had before kids. 

Before kids I.....   

Took pictures of adults, pets, scenery, etc. 
My phone is maxed out with over a thousand pictures, 998 of which are pictures of my kids. The other three pictures were probably an accident. 

Had a clean car
Why does my car always smell like a foot? I'm going to guess it has something to do with goldfish crackers, popcorn and discarded sippy cups of milk.  I sold my old car to my husband's friend.  For several months after he'd purchased it, he would bring over small toys, pencils, and game pieces he'd found under the seats.    

My backseat full of kids and car seats. 
Cleaned my house 
Because, well, what's the point? 
Shopped in a mall 
The closest mall is about 40 minutes away.  If I want to go by myself, I'd have to have a babysitter.  If I want to take the kids with me, the following must occur:  Plan when I'd like to go around naps.  Feed and clothe the children (I'm already exhausted). Pack the diaper bag. Load up the stroller.  Get said children into the car.  Drive 40 minutes. Haul the stroller, diaper bag and kids out of the car.  Fight with a three year old about whether she will ride in the double stroller or walk with the 6 year old.  Navigate through a tantrum.  Stuff purse and diaper bag and crying children into the stroller.  Enter the mall (use the handicapped button or strategically plan to walk in with another person who looks like they will sympathize with you and hold the doors). Head into a store.  Ram your cart into every too-close clothing rack.  Move quickly so no one starts crying.  If you do have to stop, continue rocking the stroller back and forth with your foot in the illusion that the stroller is still moving so that no children cry.  Grab a few clothing items and ask to try them on.  You must wait for the handicapped fitting room because you can't jam that double stroller into an average fitting room.  Trust me, I've tried.  You can't Austin Powers that thing into a room the size of a bathroom stall.  Try two things on before someone cries or want out of the stroller.  Yank your child back under the fitting room door by her foot before she escapes. Just grab the remainder of clothing items and resort to returning them to the rack.  Get the hell out of that store.  Stop for a snack of overpriced soft pretzels, slurpees, cookie.  Search for $8.00 in quarters so your kids can ride on the germ-infested, motorized car/dinosaur/helicopter. Reverse the process and head home. Pray that your children fall asleep in the car on the ride home. 

Purchased clothing for myself
See aforementioned mall shopping. 

Went to the bathroom/took a shower by myself
We've talked about this one.  The fact of the matter is, if there's not a kid in the bathroom with me, they're probably in the other bathroom doing something like this:

Decorated my home 
That cute looking decorative box I'd like to put on my coffee table is now referred to as the "treasure box." None of my "treasures" are ever found inside. That fun candle holder shattered a week after I bought it when Harper knocked the entire console table over. And the only reason I might paint the walls these days is to cover up the sticky hand prints and scribble marks. 

Worked out
Do I even need an explanation for this? 

Drank alcohol
You know what's not fun when you have children? Being woken up at 6am with a hangover (or still drunk!). 

Stayed up late
You know what's not fun when you have children? Being woken up at 6am when you just went to bed three hours ago. 

Went out to the movies, on dates, or the bar
Okay, we still do the first two but their occurrences are few and far between. 

Read books for enjoyment
The last books I read for enjoyment were the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.  It just didn't seem right reading a dirty novel while my kids rode bikes in the driveway. "Hey, don't handcuff your sister! I mean, don't punch your sister!"  

Arrived on time
Because someone always has to go potty, get a drink, wants a snack, doesn't have socks on, has to go potty, can't find a matching shoe, lost a hat, needs a tissue, exploded a diaper, needs their blanket, wants a special toy, and has to go potty. Again. 

Did the deed when the mood struck
It's in the calendar.  Seriously. And even then, it often times doesn't get done. 

Finished a complete thought. 
One time, I was talking to someone and then-

Watched whatever I wanted on TV, whenever I wanted. 
Even if I start watching something, Harper begs for Dora or "Mick Jr." Or Lilly just changes it to a kids show. Darn kids, learning how to use the remote. 

Referred to myself using the pronoun "I."
My husband hates this. When I become a mother, I suddenly started referring to myself in the third person. "Want mommy to hold you?" "Mommy loves you!" "Mommy wants you to sit down and be quiet so Mommy can drink mommy's bottle glass of wine." (Please someone tell me that you do this too.) 

I know there's 13 billion other things I probably did before kids too.  But ya know what? I can't really remember much of life before kids.  And now that they are all tucked in snuggly in their beds, I'm going to poop by myself, tidy up the house, turn on the television to whatever I want, pour a glass of wine, and fall asleep on the couch by 9:30.  Ah, this is the life. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

15 Signs You Know You're a Mom to Girls

Santa brought me a $25 iTunes gift card.  So, naturally, I used it to download some songs from the movie Frozen.  I debated about buying the whole thing but I think I don't really want to listen to the instrumental songs.  I might even let the girls listen to my music! Ha! 

We saw this movie over Thanksgiving weekend with my niece, Georgia.  I took Lilly, Harper and Georgia by myself on the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend.  That was a doozie! The theater was packed and keeping Harper and Georgia walking in the same direction is like herding cats.  We found 4 seats in a row despite the 18,000 people crammed into the theater.  Of course, no movie theater experience is complete without buckets of popcorn and a trough of caffeine-free soda. Which resulted in a bathroom break for the little girls 10 minutes into the movie.   

I really enjoyed this movie and I dare say its my favorite Disney movie in many years.  Even better, it's about two sisters.  Sounds about right for this family! 

I love having three girls.  I wouldn't know any different.  Our world if full of pink, princesses, and ponytails.  So I thought it'd be fun to do a list of the 
15 Signs You Know You're a Mom of Girls. Even if you're the mom of only 1 girl, I bet you can relate to most of these! 

15 Signs You Know You're a Mom of Girls

15. Your children have more pairs of plastic high heels than you do real ones. Ditto for purses.
14. You have a large quantity of toys in various shades of pink and/or purple including, but not limited to, Legos, toy cars and trucks, bicycles, and garden tools.
13. The whining.
12. There's always someone in the bathroom (but rarely are they actually going potty).
11. Your husband can put hair into a ponytail, do a mean braid, and top it off with a hair bow.
10. You've got more naked Barbies and baby dolls than you do clothed.
9.  Hair ties, rubber bands, bobby pins and barrettes can be found in every room of your house-and sometimes outside.
8.  You've got 10 lip glosses in your purse in various fruity scents and shades and not one of them belongs to you.
7.  You know the names of all the Disney Princesses.
6.  The whining. Oh, the whining.
5.  You've considered pinning the crafts you do together on Pinterest-Rainbow Loom bracelets, shoelace necklaces, plastic stained-glass, cement patio stones…
4. It seems normal to repeat the question, "Did you wipe?" 18,000 times a day.
3. You never go anywhere without a little glitter (but not intentionally).
2. Your ears are tolerant of squeals and screams at the highest of decibels. 

 And the number 1 reason you know you're a mom to girls? You're constantly smothered with hugs, kisses, snuggles and love-and you wouldn't want it any other way.   
My girls: Lilly-6, Elliette-3 months, Harper-3  
Feel free to add your "signs" to the comments! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Quarter of a Year

Elliette turns 3 months old today.  That's a quarter of a year.  I'm not exactly sure where 3 months have gone but I know they've been an adventure.  Our family couldn't imagine our lives without this little dolly!

At 3 Months Old Elliette:
Loves chewing on her hands.
Loves kicking her feet.
Can recognize mom, dad, and her sisters Lilly and Harper. 
Smiles at everyone. 
Coos at us (just within the last week, really). 
Likes being in a sitting position so she can see what's happening. 
Likes watching TV (not that I put her in front of it.  I don't really believe in those Baby Einstein videos.)
Still refuses a pacifier. 
Loves to be swaddled.
Sleeps in her Rock N Play in her own bedroom.
Rolls onto her side. 
Hates tummy time but can hold herself up pretty well. 
Goes to bed at 7 and sleeps till 4 or 5 (except the last few nights she's also woken up around 2 and then slept till 6:30-7.  I think there's a 3 month growth spurt, right?)  

I can't wait to see what the next quarter of her little life brings! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Said No Mom Ever

Being a mom can be so tedious and repetitive.  I find myself doing and saying the same things 10,000 times a day.  Are they not listening? Does no one care?  Do you not understand the words coming out of my mouth?  Without further ado, I present to you my list of "Said No Mom Ever." 
  1. Of course you can have a piece of candy. 
  2. Yes, I love chatting with you while I use the bathroom.  Come on in. 
  3. Why don't you walk in while I'm in the shower too? 
  4. Just wipe your dirty hands on your shirt.
  5. Wipe your nose on your shirt too. 
  6. I love potty training.  It's my favorite. 
  7. Here, just vomit in my hands. 
  8. Of course I'll hold that for you.  I'd love to. 
  9. Go ahead and have another piece of candy. 
  10. Wanna skip your nap?
  11. Wanna stay up late?
  12. Wanna stay up all night?
  13. Sure, I'll buy you that expensive, loud, light-up toy.
  14. Nah, you don't have to eat that for dinner.  How about a piece of candy instead? 
  15. I love watching Dora.  
  16. You can sleep in my bed with me.  
  17. Why don't you just throw that on the floor? 
  18. No, I'm not mad you broke that. 
  19. I'd be happy to get you a drink/make you lunch/prepare you a snack/cook you dinner. You don't even have to finish it. 
  20. Here, have some more candy. - Why yes, darling. I would love to clean up your vomit at 11:22 pm! Said no mom. Ever.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day in the Life of Elliette

I'm lucky enough to have many close friends and family who have small babies right around the same age as my youngest child, Elliette.   We all have challenges to face with having a new baby and figuring out what works for our child, how to get into a routine and just how to make things work for our family.   I know and realize that everyone is different, believes different things and has their own challenges to face.  I also know that each baby is different.  Heck, this is my third kid and I still have a hard time figuring out what worked/will work for her!  It's often a lot of trial and error.  She has been much fussier than both Lilly and Harper were during the day as infants.  She loves being swaddled and I never even tried that with my other girls.  And then there's that whole growing thing.  Growth spurts, teething, illness, season change, yada, yada, yada.  It always seems that when you get into a good routine, something else happens and everything gets thrown out of whack.

I'll get to the point. Since I'm home on winter break, I've tried to figure out what her "normal" daily schedule looks like.  I thought that if I wrote it down, it might be easier for me to see how often she eats, how much she sleeps and, of course, how many poopy diapers she has.  (This mom thing is so glamorous.  I just rocked out to Fergie as I spelled out "glamorous." Go ahead, sing it in your head.  Or out loud, whatever.)  I should add that, being as how today is New Year's Day, we stayed home all day.  On a "normal" day I would be working and pumping at school, picking the littles up from the babysitter, stopping at the grocery store, taxi-ing the girls to dance class, etc. etc. So, here it goes:  

4:00 Elliette (almost 3 months old) wakes up to nurse and goes right back to sleep, swaddled in her Rock N Play, in her own room. 
8:00 Wake and nurse, play time in her Bumbo, and on my lap. Tummy time seems like too much of a risk for whining so I skip it. I also attempt a nail trim and nip the end if her thumb. Nine hours into the new year and I've already lost MOTY (Mom of the Year) award. 
9:45 Diaper change, swaddle and nap. I put her down while she's still awake, in her Sleep N Play, in her room. 
(Meanwhile I contemplate a shower but settle on brushing my teeth and staying in my pajamas. I briefly tidy the floors and settle into my chair with a second cup of coffee and a soft blanket. Sigh) 
10:47 Harper pretty much wakes her up. I have to poop so I do that first. Priorities. (Pooping interrupted by Harper because she has to tell me she loves me. I love you too, Harper. I also love pooping by myself.) 
11:00 Boob time. Elliette burps while attached to my right breast. Every. Single. Time. 
And then, She gazes those big blue-gray eyes right into mine and places her little dimply hand on my chest and I melt. Love her. 
11:27 finished eating
11:35 poop face. Lucky for her, no one interrupts her to tell her they love her. 
Imminent diaper change. I lotion her up, choose a brand new outfit from the closet. We chat. I pick her up to go downstairs. 
11:50 I make it to her doorway. She poops again. Repeat Diaper change. 
11:55 Tummy Time. 
11:56 Tummy Time over
11:56-12:04 swaddle, cry, bounce, cry, walk, cry, sway, cry. Tummy time, I f*cking hate you. 
12:40ish dozes off in the swing. Awake on and off-not sure I'd even consider this a nap! 
1:25 Boob time again. I discover some dried spit up behind her ear. Lovely. 
        Oh, A double right boob burp! 
2:03 Finished eating 
2:04 Just kidding. Keep eating. 
2:10 Snoozing as I pull her off. 
2:14 Nope, wide awake.
2:25 Poops again. Diaper change.
2:30 Swaddle, rock n play, shower for me (score!). 
2:48 Check in to see if she fell asleep. She's not crying but she's not zonked yet. All is quiet so I just assume she is sleeping.  I must've gotten past that neurotic "She might've died of SIDS" worrying that I did so much with the first two.  
**On a "normal" day we'd be heading home from the babysitters or stopping for groceries or something so I almost feel like there would be another feeding in here.**
5:20 Wake that girl up!
5:25 Dinner time! 
6:00 I think she's done. She disagrees. 
6:05 aaaaand done. 
6:06 Daddy playtime.  I make dinner.  

6:55 She starts fussing with her daddy so I immediately tell hubby to head upstairs to change her diaper, jammie's, swaddle, bedtime. (She's crying when he comes downstairs. I'll check in 5 minutes but I can tell it's not uncontrollable, pissed off crying.....yet). 
7:00 I don't hear crying so I assume she's still alive, but sleeping.

She should sleep until roughly 4am again.  And then we'll do this all over again.  Except we'll probably leave the house tomorrow.  Because, hello.  CABIN FEVER. That combined with the fact that I've got $20 in Kohl's cash burning a hole in my pocket. 

Peace out, homies. 

*Elliette ended up waking up about 2am to eat again this morning and then went right back to sleep. She does this occasionally. Then she was up again at 7am this morning.*

Mom of the Year

I've been doing this "mom" thing for six and a half years now and I still haven't achieved that prized Mom of the Year Award.  Still, I diligently keep trying. Although no one has handed me a golden trophy shaped like a diaper, I earn my awards every day with gummy smiles, "Mom, I love yous," and wrap-around-the-neck hugs.  I may not have anything to set on a shelf but I sure have a lot of awards stored in my heart.
This blog isn't going to give you much advice.  And it's certainly not going to tell you how to get out grass stains, save for college, or even organize a closet.  That's not me.  I'm just going to share the things I do with my three girls and my amazing, hard-working hubby.  I hope you enjoy my musings on life.  And if, by chance, you do learn something from me, I'll gladly accept that Mom of the Year Award.